If you do have writers block, you can use the "brain dumping" method to overcome this. All you are doing is writing as fast as possible, regardless of what you write down. This way you break the inner wall that stops you from speed writing, and put every single idea that you get on paper. You're not going to think about your content - just write everything down, even if you don't have proper grammar or punctuation. Once you are done writing everything, you will not believe how much content you have actually have. Remember, you just want to write down everything that comes to mind. Once you have everything written down, just restructure and proofread the article before you use it.
Huían del incendio del bosque y se encontraron en la orilla del río. El fuego amenazaba sus espaldas y el escorpión rogó a la rana que le ayudara a cruzar el río. La rana se negó temiendo el punzante y mortal aguijón..."Si te pico, moriremos los dos tu envenenada y yo ahogado....sería un tontería que lo hiciera". Escuchó atenta sus palabras, comprendió, y aceptó llevarlo sobre su espalda.
A mitad de camino la rana sintió un ardor que la abrasaba, algo que no era el calor del fuego la quemaba por dentro. Volvió su cabeza para ver la terrible ponzoña clavada en la base de su cuello.....sus fuerzas empezaron a fallar...se hundía en el agua, los dos se hundían irremediablemente. Atónita, le preguntó a su verdugo "¿por qué lo has hecho, iba a salvarte".
"Lo siento...pero es mi naturaleza" respondió el escorpión antes de morir
1 comentario:
If you do have writers block, you can use the "brain dumping" method to overcome this. All you are doing is writing as fast as possible, regardless of what you write down. This way you break the inner wall that stops you from speed writing, and put every single idea that you get on paper. You're not going to think about your content - just write everything down, even if you don't have proper grammar or punctuation. Once you are done writing everything, you will not believe how much content you have actually have. Remember, you just want to write down everything that comes to mind. Once you have everything written down, just restructure and proofread the article before you use it.
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If you want to be a speed article writing, then make the decision about it and set about to work making it a reality.
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